Friday 13 April 2012

Integra Group Real Estate Develops Short Sale Consultation Services


Integra Group Real Estate Develops Short Sale Consultation Services

"Homeowners are often advised to consult with a lawyer and CPA before entering into a potential short sale, but many CPAs and lawyers avoid the subject due to the inherent liability. All parties involved offer homeowners the input needed to make informed decisions in regards to short sales or other homeownership options.

"This partnership will make sure homeowners who are struggling to understand all of their options are provided with personal, professional support and high quality information," said Eric Lichtenheld, president of Integra. This partnership brings all necessary specialists together in one counseling session to effectively inform and assist the homeowner.

Fairway provides personnel to assess credit score ramifications and refinancing options, identify home market values, discuss future purchase options and answer any homeowner questions. The attorney partner will provide legal advice regarding the potential liabilities and statutes of selling or surrendering distressed properties while the CPA will assist with tax consequences that result from short sales and help determine the amount of taxes the homeowner could be liable for, or receive relief from, under law.

Distressed homeowners are able to receive high quality short sale consultations at a discounted price, and then are reimbursed if they move forward with a short sale transaction.

Integra Group Real Estate Develops Short Sale Consultation Services

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 13/04/2012