Sunday 4 March 2012

The £100000 Slumdogshacks: Soaring property prices in the Mumbai slum made famous by film


The £100000 Slumdogshacks: Soaring property prices in the Mumbai slum made famous by film

Nearly 500 families lived in the Bandra slum in tiny corrugated iron shacks back when Danny Boyle's rags-to-riches movie was filmed.

And many sellers are feeling short-changed as property prices in India's financial capital are soaring. ' But Sarah Pravin, 43, who lives in one of the remaining 250 shacks with her husband and two children, has refused to move She told the newspaper: 'I don't want money, I want a new home. Lubna Mamin, 23, and her husband Imran, along with his parents and sister, accepted a whole new apartment in exchange for their slum in Bandra East.

But he told the Daily Telegraph: 'Mumbai is growing at such a rate that I regret selling when I did. But some former slum dwellers are satisfied with the deal they received and used the money to start a brand new life.

The mother-of-two, who has lived in the Bandra shanty town for 16 years, admitted staying in the slum has become like living on a building site as bulldozers have moved in to demolish surrounding buildings that have been vacated. How am I going to afford a brand new flat for my family with the money these developers are offering? I know it sounds a lot of money, but realistically, in a city like Mumbai, £100,000 isn't.

They told how they are pleased with their new flat in Bandra West - which has its own shower and lavatory, along with a separate kitchen.

The £100000 Slumdogshacks: Soaring property prices in the Mumbai slum made famous by film

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 04/03/2012