Tuesday 3 July 2012

Don't be fooled when it comes to making your student property investment


Don't be fooled when it comes to making your student property investment

With now being the ideal time for making a buy-to-let property investment there has not been a better moment for opting to invest in the student property market.

If the building is still in the development stages take this opportunity to ensure that the development brand has the ability to offer all the resources that you require especially if the market is relatively new to you.

The shift in the student property market has enticed many investors, with those who would have normally opted for the residential housing market - which isn't as booming as it was five years ago - take on the student accommodation market as it remains to be continually thriving and offers more security as domestic and international student numbers get higher and higher. A one year return is an indication that the developers have built your 'return' into the sales price therefore you aren't getting the very best deal.

Of course cost plays a huge part when making a decision upon any investment, investment being the most important word here.

The best investments will always offer at least a two year assured rental income. There is also the notion that a cheap property could have a cheap finish meaning that whilst you spend a bit less at the beginning, you could end up spending a fortune on repair and maintenance and it may be harder to sell should you come to do so in the future.

However, there are some differences in the student property market when it's compared with the residential housing market and investors which are new to student investments need to make certain that they stay vigilant to get what they want for their money.

Other important factors to look out for are the recognition of the developers and construction companies as this will offer you more peace of mind when the building gets under way.

Don't be fooled when it comes to making your student property investment

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 03/07/2012