Sunday 19 February 2012




RESIDENTS in Bourton-on-the-Water have been given a chance to have their say on plans that could see up to 180 homes being built in the village.

Property developers Blooromes, along withunter Page planing consultants, have drawn up plans for a housing development north of Roman Way, and presented the plans to residents at a two-day event last week.

Many residents attending the presentation said they were concerned that the proposed development would damage the village.

Neighbourhood watch co-ordinator for the area Dave Birch, who lives on Beddome Way, said he felt the village was not an appropriate place for this type of development.

"I'm very concerned about the schools – they're all completely full and you can't say there's not going to be any children in the new houses," he said.

"There's no work for the adults either – many of the work in the village is seasonal, so they're all going to be commuting, which will put more pressure on the roads.

"I just think the village is loosing its character – wherever there's a piece of land, they just build on it."

is neighbour Margaret Crawley, who has lived in the village for 36 years, agreed that the development will not be appropriate.

"What worries me is the strain this is going to put on the facilities like the doctors and things like that," she said.

"A lot of people are very worried about the traffic as well – it could be very dangerous for the children walking from the Cotswold School.

"We're going slowly from a village into a town."

Parish Council chairman Cllr Bryan Sumner said a variety of councillors had attended the presentation, and were due to discuss the plans at the next meeting of the council at the start of March.

No one from Blooromes was available for comment as the Standard went to press.


Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 19/02/2012